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A short description

Alto Metauro is a land situated in the heart of the Appennines, next to the river sung by Tasso in his poems, it is part of the region Marche, at the borders with Umbria and Tuscany.

Colonialized by the Umbri, during the Roman time has seen many towns, of which we still have archeological remains. In the first middle age was shelter for many populations that in the late middle age founded there their towns which still maintain their original urbanistic phisionomy with their churches and paintings of the Riminese School which was influenced by Giotto.

Situated along the road that goes from Florence to Urbino, the Alto Metauro has been very important during Humanism and Renaissance, when it became part of the Montefeltro Ducat. Of this culture it has kept many significant monuments and paintings; it couldn't have been different for a place which had close relations with Borgo San Sepolcro (town of Piero Della Francesca) and Urbino (birth town of Raffaello),both these places are reachable in 30 min. by car.

Together with art and history, the Alto Metauro is a very fashionable place for its nature which offers to the visitor the green of its hills and the blue of the clear water of its river that is the backbone of the whole region.

A place cultivated with meticulous care by people who loved it and understood it, people who adapted it to their life without violating it, as the many houses in grey stones show. These men have been able to live in close relation with it and gave birth to a civilization proud of their land.

Of its ancient and noble origin, the Alto Metauro still maintains the memories and the traditions from which people take the opportunity to look forward through the touristic activities, homecraft and industry.

Un_pixel_v.GIF (807 byte) Palazzo della Ragione.JPG (14115 byte) Un_pixel_v.GIF (807 byte) Sant'Angelo in Vado: Palazzo della Ragione (XIV cent.) municipality residence till 1838.





Mercatello sul Metauro, San Francesco Church: Giovanni Baronzio, Polyptic of the Madonna on the Throne (1345 ?) particular.

Polittico Della Madonna in trono (G. Barronzio, particolare).JPG (20711 byte)
Scorcio sul fiume Auro.JPG (11129 byte)  



Borgo Pace:
a foreshortening of the Auro in Parchiule(the Auro flowing into the Meta makes the Metauro)






Some farmhouses in the green of the vegetation.

case.JPG (18276 byte)