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Mercatello sul Metauro

Images from the Rising Sun:
How Japanese people see Mercatello

The origin of this town, situated along the river Metauro and next to the Appennines, goes back to the XII cent b.c and is due to the Umbri (it was between Umbria and Etruria). During the Roman time Augusto put it in the sixth region-Umbria-between the two hamlets of Tiphernum Metaurense and Tiphernum Tiberinum. Destroyed by the barbaric invasions, it was rebuilt by the Longobards in the VI cent. and dedicated to S. Pietro it was called Pieve d'Ico. Coming first under the jurisdiction of Cittą di Castello, it became later part of the Massa Trabaria, in the IX CENT. The little town was declared independent by the Pope Celestino II and Alessandro III (XII cent.) under direct control of the Pope. In 1235 Pope Gregorio suggested to bring together the population of the seven castles that surrounded Mercatello in Pieve territory, that became in this way a fortified town and got its name from the many markets taking place there.
In 1437 Mercatello was annexed to Urbino Ducat (at whose court many nobles from Mercatello will excel); from 1636 it became part of Urbania diocese as vicariate, and then part of the Papal State.The palazzo will be place for exhibitions, courses, and cultural associations

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palazzo Gasparini (XVII cent) bought by the townhall in 1989 and partially restored.

Palazzo Gasparini.JPG (14298 byte)

Mercatello con campo di grano 175.JPG (6978 byte)

landscape of Mercatello at sunset
The territory and economic activities

The whole territory is mainly mountain, here traditional agricultural activities take place, from the metayage tradition, almost lost, that characterise the nowadays agrarian landscape. The cops cultivation, from the cut , to the transport to the carbonation, it's part of this activity and still keeps vitality. The farmhouses are perfectly collocated either because of the surrounding and the materials used. (See pages linked to Paolo Volponi text). Particularly interesting are the little towns of Castello della Pieve (22Kb) and Sant'Andrea in Corona(61Kb). The pleasantness of the landscape and the richness of monuments and art works elevate the touristic influx, helped by the restaurants and farm holidays.






the island, a farmhouse whose architecture is strongly Tuscan

L'isola.JPG (14466 byte)


In the town centre, that has maintained its Medieval features, the large square of Piazza Garibaldi has been obtained by an intervention in '800. Palazzo Gasparini (XVII), the Pieve Collegiata that in its external walls has maintained parts of the previous Romanic building,( X cent. and reconstruction in 1363), and Palazzo Comunale built in 1870 overlooking the square. Mercatello has many other monuments: San Francesco Church, early gothic style(XIIIcent.), contains a very large collection of paintings from XIII to XVII cent; the monastery. And The house of Santa Veronica Giuliani with the museum of the saint, The Church of Santa Chiara (rebuilt in 1646); The Palazzo Ducale (XV cent), credited to Francesco di Giorgio Martini; the Palazzaccio (XVI cent. ); the Monte di Pietą(founded in 1516), with a sandstone portal showing patient Christ.

Chesa di San Francesco.JPG (17883 byte)  






San Francesco Church (XIII cent) keeps a very important collection of paintings (from XIII to XVII cent)

Art works

Of the very large artistic property we think we have to note down the most important ones by collocating them:

San Francesco Church:

  • crucified Christ, , oil paint on wood of Giovanni da Rimini 1315;
  • polyptich,, painted on wood by Giovanni Baronzio 1345, it has nine Panels showing Mary and the Saints;
  • Mary on the Throne with the Baby, painted on wood (XIII cent) by Bonaventura di Michele;
  • Frescos of the Evangelists, by G. Genga (1476-1551);
  • mausoleum of Bartolomeo Brancaleoni   (XV cent),compact travertin monument (Venetian gothic);
  • Federico da Montefeltro and Ottaviano Ubaldini portraits,, marble medallions carved in bas-relief by Benedetto da Maiano(1442-1497); (1442-1497)
  • crucifixion, . Fresco taken

Together with them, the pinacoteca-church of San Francesco has many other works:frescos belonging to the church itself or taken from others, paintings on canvas (XVI and XVII cent), a collection of bells (XIV cent) etc.

Pieve Collegiata:

  • Madonna Delle Grazie, painted on wood by anonymous of the middle XIII cent. in a Byzantine region, kept in a precious carved gold wood shrine(XVII cent).
  • Museo della Collegiatain arrangement phase, contains several objects: holy vases, silver objects, reliquaries, antiphonaries, majolicas. Some of them: astylar crosses in bronze and copper(XIV-XV cent.); the pace in ebony with 4 ivory figures in relief(XV cent ); the gothic censer; the wooden golden statuettes of S. Pietro and S. Paolo from the Mercallo Atelier of Bencivenni (early XVI cent) and belonging to the great carved and golden tabernacle of the Vecchia Pieve; a Pianeta ( the priest cloth) that makes a great example of late '700 needlework and two humeral veils locally manifactured; seven cornucopia lamps in majolica pottery (XIX cent) from the Albany industry in Urbania or by Ignazio Calligari from Pesaro.

The Collegiata contains several paintings from XVI cent. and later too.

Maria del Metauro:

  • fresco of the Madonna with Baby, according to a legend it is one of the earliest works of the Bologna painter Simone dei Crocifissi, it has been then changed in '400 by adding two angels next to the modules by Giovanni Santi.

For the sake of brevity, we are not going to write down any other art work kept in the numerous churches and religious institutions in Mercatello and we send you again to the guide contained in the Accademia del Rasagnol site.







Giovanni da Rimini,
Crucifixed Christ, (1315)(particular) San Francesco church.

Croce di Giovanni da Rimini.JPG (15837 byte)
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Bottega di Mercatello Crucifixion (1373) San Francesco Church, today S. Croce Church







unknown Byzantine Madonna with the Baby,(XIII cent.)

Madonna delle grazie.JPG (17024 byte)
Madonna con bambino.JPG (20055 byte)  






Bottega di Mercatello, Madonna con bambino, (fine sec. XV - inizio XVI) Chiesa di S. Maria del Metauro

  • Cwith the traditional Procession of the Dead Christ during the holy Friday night;
  • Festa del Corpus Domini, Procession along the streets covered with flowers;
  • Festa di Santa Veronica, first ten days of July;
  • Fiera di Santa Veronica, prima decade di luglio;
  • the Donkey Palio , first half of July;
  • Festa dello Sport, first ten days of August;
  • mid-August concert, 14 August;
  • S.Maria del Metauro Church.




Preparation of the Flowering, a tradition that is carried on every year.

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Farmhouses: Ca'Betania Ca'Betania
07227/89902 betania@agriturbetania.it
Le voci del silenzio Cal Bianchino
0722/89328 info@levocidelsilenzio.it
Le Piote
Restaurants: Taverna del cacciatore
Osteria del sole






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Sistemi Informatici Informatic systems hardware assistance and selling, software assistance and developing via Europa 0722/816004
Fax 816000


Accademia del Razagnol Piazza Garibaldi
Associazione Pro - Loco Piazza Garibaldi Tel. 89640
Banda Municipale Via Sturzo Tel. 89345
C.E.A.M. Loc. Cagnoni Tel. 89592


For more information we suggest other sites about Mercatello, the webs will be linked inside new windows. This one, in www. AltoMetauro, will stay open in case you want to carry on the navigation.
